person using macbook air on brown wooden table
person using macbook air on brown wooden table

University of Toronto

Department of Statistical Sciences

Research Interests

Interdisciplinary subjects are integral to a wide spectrum of projects in various fields in real-world applications where Statistics and data science are the fields that are used to extract actionable knowledge insights from data and solve problems in these projects. My research interest lies broadly in the development of statistical models and machine learning algorithms for the analysis of time series, econometrics, and Spatio-temporal data mining.

Colorful software or web code on a computer monitor
Colorful software or web code on a computer monitor

Selected Publications

  • Rodríguez M., Leiva V., Martin-Barreiro, C., Cabezas X., Mahdi, E. (2023). The r-hypergeometric distribution: Characterization, simulations, and applications. Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences; 46(5): 5208-5233.